
Predicting EPL Standings Using Poisson Distribution

This project attempts to determine whether goal scoring in the premier league can be modelled by a poisson process. A simple Poisson model is a good starting point to model the number of goals scored in a match in a 90-min game. Later, we will use this to simulate an entire season using on the data from 2005-2020 seasons.

The data for this project is scraped from which contains information for each game since 1993/94 season.

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Here is a snapshot of the data

5698 E0 1920 26/07/2020 Newcastle Liverpool 1.0 3.0 A 1.0 1.0 ... 2.40 1.0 1.94 1.96 1.95 1.97 2.03 2.00 1.95 1.92
5699 E0 1920 26/07/2020 Southampton Sheffield United 3.0 1.0 H 0.0 1.0 ... 2.01 -0.5 1.97 1.93 2.00 1.93 2.03 1.96 1.98 1.89
5700 E0 1920 26/07/2020 West Ham Aston Villa 1.0 1.0 D 0.0 0.0 ... 2.03 0.0 1.93 1.97 1.95 1.98 1.99 2.00 1.93 1.95

3 rows × 140 columns

For this project we only need 5 columns starting from the Date field. Therefore, let’s get rid of the unwanted columns and rename them so that is is easier to index these columns.

# removing unncessary cols
epl = epl.iloc[:, 1:7]
# rename cols
epl.columns = [i.lower() for i in epl]
epl.rename(columns={'fthg':'homegoals', 'ftag':'awaygoals'}, inplace=True)

Let’s have a look at the average number of home and away goals scored in each game.

# avg home vs away goals
homegoals    1.537544
awaygoals    1.147544
dtype: float64

Well, this result should be intuitive to anyone who follows sports like Soccer, American football, Basketball, etc. as the team which plays at home is considered to have an advantage mainly due to the players familiarity and comfort with the environment and their fan’s presence.

Let’s try to compare the actual number goals scored in a game to the goals calculated by the poisson process.


The poisson model fits the distribution very well, as shown in the figures above. Hopefully, we’ll be able to adapt this method to simulate individual matches throughout the course of a season.

We will now create poisson regression models and get the regression coefficients as each team’s home and away scoring rates. Since, by default, statsmodels uses the team that comes first alphabetically as the reference group, we will replace the y-intercept term with 0.

home = smf.glm(formula="homegoals ~ 0 + hometeam", data=epl, 
Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: homegoals No. Observations: 5700
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 5661
Model Family: Poisson Df Model: 38
Link Function: log Scale: 1.0000
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -8746.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 Deviance: 6561.9
Time: 10:39:35 Pearson chi2: 5.72e+03
No. Iterations: 5 Pseudo R-squ. (CS): 0.09657
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
hometeam[Arsenal] 0.7527 0.041 18.515 0.000 0.673 0.832
hometeam[Aston Villa] 0.1874 0.060 3.108 0.002 0.069 0.306
hometeam[Birmingham] 0.1352 0.107 1.261 0.207 -0.075 0.345
hometeam[Blackburn] 0.3354 0.073 4.574 0.000 0.192 0.479
hometeam[Blackpool] 0.4568 0.183 2.502 0.012 0.099 0.815
hometeam[Bolton] 0.3137 0.074 4.231 0.000 0.168 0.459
hometeam[Bournemouth] 0.3588 0.086 4.184 0.000 0.191 0.527
hometeam[Brighton] 0.1001 0.126 0.794 0.427 -0.147 0.347
hometeam[Burnley] 0.1236 0.088 1.404 0.160 -0.049 0.296
hometeam[Cardiff] 0.0760 0.156 0.487 0.627 -0.230 0.382
hometeam[Charlton] 0.0760 0.156 0.487 0.627 -0.230 0.382
hometeam[Chelsea] 0.7560 0.041 18.627 0.000 0.676 0.836
hometeam[Crystal Palace] 0.0864 0.083 1.040 0.298 -0.076 0.249
hometeam[Derby] -0.4595 0.289 -1.592 0.111 -1.025 0.106
hometeam[Everton] 0.5024 0.046 10.903 0.000 0.412 0.593
hometeam[Fulham] 0.3365 0.061 5.488 0.000 0.216 0.457
hometeam[Huddersfield] -0.3795 0.196 -1.935 0.053 -0.764 0.005
hometeam[Hull] 0.1190 0.097 1.230 0.219 -0.071 0.308
hometeam[Leicester] 0.4456 0.075 5.945 0.000 0.299 0.592
hometeam[Liverpool] 0.7527 0.041 18.515 0.000 0.673 0.832
hometeam[Man City] 0.8105 0.039 20.521 0.000 0.733 0.888
hometeam[Man United] 0.7527 0.041 18.515 0.000 0.673 0.832
hometeam[Middlesbrough] 0.2336 0.091 2.559 0.010 0.055 0.413
hometeam[Newcastle] 0.3196 0.054 5.892 0.000 0.213 0.426
hometeam[Norwich] 0.1911 0.093 2.049 0.040 0.008 0.374
hometeam[Portsmouth] 0.2252 0.092 2.457 0.014 0.046 0.405
hometeam[QPR] 0.0513 0.129 0.397 0.691 -0.202 0.304
hometeam[Reading] 0.2196 0.119 1.851 0.064 -0.013 0.452
hometeam[Sheffield United] 0.2336 0.144 1.619 0.106 -0.049 0.517
hometeam[Southampton] 0.3652 0.068 5.404 0.000 0.233 0.498
hometeam[Stoke] 0.2664 0.064 4.195 0.000 0.142 0.391
hometeam[Sunderland] 0.1173 0.065 1.797 0.072 -0.011 0.245
hometeam[Swansea] 0.2970 0.075 3.974 0.000 0.151 0.444
hometeam[Tottenham] 0.6071 0.044 13.884 0.000 0.521 0.693
hometeam[Watford] 0.1983 0.085 2.338 0.019 0.032 0.365
hometeam[West Brom] 0.2583 0.064 4.051 0.000 0.133 0.383
hometeam[West Ham] 0.3514 0.051 6.832 0.000 0.251 0.452
hometeam[Wigan] 0.1060 0.077 1.378 0.168 -0.045 0.257
hometeam[Wolves] 0.2083 0.092 2.253 0.024 0.027 0.389

Similarly for away goals

away = smf.glm(formula="awaygoals ~ 0 + awayteam", data=epl, 
Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: awaygoals No. Observations: 5700
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 5661
Model Family: Poisson Df Model: 38
Link Function: log Scale: 1.0000
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -7854.0
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 Deviance: 6783.8
Time: 10:39:35 Pearson chi2: 5.94e+03
No. Iterations: 5 Pseudo R-squ. (CS): 0.08115
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
awayteam[Arsenal] 0.4634 0.047 9.863 0.000 0.371 0.555
awayteam[Aston Villa] 0.1197 0.062 1.919 0.055 -0.003 0.242
awayteam[Birmingham] -0.2036 0.127 -1.603 0.109 -0.453 0.045
awayteam[Blackburn] 0.0655 0.084 0.780 0.435 -0.099 0.230
awayteam[Blackpool] 0.2744 0.200 1.372 0.170 -0.118 0.666
awayteam[Bolton] -0.0152 0.087 -0.173 0.862 -0.186 0.156
awayteam[Bournemouth] 0.1001 0.098 1.026 0.305 -0.091 0.291
awayteam[Brighton] -0.2364 0.149 -1.586 0.113 -0.529 0.056
awayteam[Burnley] -0.0918 0.098 -0.936 0.349 -0.284 0.100
awayteam[Cardiff] -0.4187 0.200 -2.094 0.036 -0.811 -0.027
awayteam[Charlton] -0.1112 0.171 -0.649 0.517 -0.447 0.225
awayteam[Chelsea] 0.4700 0.047 10.037 0.000 0.378 0.562
awayteam[Crystal Palace] 0.1269 0.081 1.560 0.119 -0.033 0.286
awayteam[Derby] -0.8650 0.354 -2.447 0.014 -1.558 -0.172
awayteam[Everton] 0.0937 0.057 1.658 0.097 -0.017 0.204
awayteam[Fulham] -0.1908 0.080 -2.390 0.017 -0.347 -0.034
awayteam[Huddersfield] -0.4595 0.204 -2.251 0.024 -0.860 -0.059
awayteam[Hull] -0.2498 0.116 -2.149 0.032 -0.478 -0.022
awayteam[Leicester] 0.3264 0.080 4.103 0.000 0.170 0.482
awayteam[Liverpool] 0.4411 0.048 9.284 0.000 0.348 0.534
awayteam[Man City] 0.4895 0.046 10.557 0.000 0.399 0.580
awayteam[Man United] 0.4895 0.046 10.557 0.000 0.399 0.580
awayteam[Middlesbrough] -0.3054 0.120 -2.555 0.011 -0.540 -0.071
awayteam[Newcastle] -0.0583 0.066 -0.891 0.373 -0.187 0.070
awayteam[Norwich] -0.2912 0.119 -2.454 0.014 -0.524 -0.059
awayteam[Portsmouth] -0.1350 0.110 -1.230 0.219 -0.350 0.080
awayteam[QPR] -0.0357 0.135 -0.265 0.791 -0.300 0.229
awayteam[Reading] 0.1313 0.124 1.059 0.290 -0.112 0.374
awayteam[Sheffield United] -0.5021 0.209 -2.408 0.016 -0.911 -0.093
awayteam[Southampton] 0.1178 0.076 1.540 0.124 -0.032 0.268
awayteam[Stoke] -0.2364 0.082 -2.895 0.004 -0.396 -0.076
awayteam[Sunderland] -0.1006 0.073 -1.383 0.167 -0.243 0.042
awayteam[Swansea] -0.0462 0.089 -0.520 0.603 -0.220 0.128
awayteam[Tottenham] 0.3925 0.049 8.063 0.000 0.297 0.488
awayteam[Watford] -0.1112 0.099 -1.123 0.261 -0.305 0.083
awayteam[West Brom] -0.1472 0.078 -1.885 0.059 -0.300 0.006
awayteam[West Ham] 0.0260 0.061 0.429 0.668 -0.093 0.145
awayteam[Wigan] -0.0334 0.082 -0.406 0.685 -0.195 0.128
awayteam[Wolves] 0.0412 0.101 0.410 0.682 -0.156 0.238

Now that we have the home and away scoring rates for each team let’s prepare the data for the simulation.

We first combine the two dataframes such that every club plays with every other team twice (home and away). This results in a total of 380 rows, representing the 380 matchups of the season.

Since we used the data from seasons 2005-2020, there are some teams which are relegated and therefore currently not in the EPL. It makes sense to exclude these clubs and include only those which have qualified for the next season.

team_home rate_home team_away rate_away
0 Arsenal 2.122724 Aston Villa 1.127159
1 Arsenal 2.122724 Brighton 0.789465
2 Arsenal 2.122724 Burnley 0.912288
3 Arsenal 2.122724 Chelsea 1.599994
4 Arsenal 2.122724 Crystal Palace 1.135303
... ... ... ... ...
337 Wolves 1.231583 Sheffield United 0.605258
338 Wolves 1.231583 Southampton 1.125019
339 Wolves 1.231583 Tottenham 1.480678
340 Wolves 1.231583 West Brom 0.863121
341 Wolves 1.231583 West Ham 1.026341

342 rows × 4 columns

We would like to simulate the results 10,000 times, hence we dulplicate the above table 10,000 times, and create a new table with 3420000 (342 x 10,000) rows where each 342 row subset is the result of 1 simulation. We feed in the scoring rates calculated earlier to the poisson distribution to generate the number of goals scored for every home and away team in every row of the table.

In addition, the number of points for every match outcome based on the team’s number of goals scored are also calculated, as a side gets 3 points if it scores more than its opponent, 1 point if it’s a draw, and 0 points if the opposing roster has more goals.

Here’s a look at the first few rows of the table. The columns sim_home and sim_away indicate our simulate match outcome for each matchup, as they are the number of goals scored for each club randomly generated using their scoring rates. home_pts and away_pts columns show the final points of the match. For example, consider the second row, Arsenal vs Brighton, Arsenal on their home pitch beats Brighton 2-1 and is therefore awarded 3 points for the win whereas Brighton gets no points for their loss.

team_home rate_home team_away rate_away sim_home sim_away home_pts away_pts
0 Arsenal 2.122724 Aston Villa 1.127159 1 0 3 0
1 Arsenal 2.122724 Brighton 0.789465 2 1 3 0
2 Arsenal 2.122724 Burnley 0.912288 4 1 3 0

Let’s have a look at one of the simulation

team final_pts gd sim rank
0 Man United 67 22 7 1
1 Arsenal 67 18 7 2
2 Chelsea 67 16 7 3
3 Leicester 61 14 7 4
4 Man City 59 29 7 5
5 Liverpool 59 21 7 6
6 Tottenham 53 8 7 7
7 Newcastle 50 -4 7 8
8 Southampton 46 7 7 9
9 Fulham 46 -7 7 10
10 Crystal Palace 45 -19 7 11
11 West Brom 44 -9 7 12
12 Everton 42 10 7 13
13 Wolves 40 -14 7 14
14 Brighton 40 -18 7 15
15 Burnley 39 -15 7 16
16 West Ham 38 -10 7 17
17 Aston Villa 35 -22 7 18
18 Sheffield United 34 -27 7 19

We’re now interested in obtaining the result for each one of our 10,000 simulations. We combine all the results in a single dataframe. The simulation group of each row is denoted by the sim column.

team final_pts gd sim rank
0 Arsenal 68 23 1 1
1 Man United 65 23 1 2
2 Tottenham 64 25 1 3
3 Man City 63 22 1 4
4 Liverpool 58 21 1 5

Let’s take a look each team’s chances of finishing at each position.

rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Arsenal 0.1615 0.1593 0.1540 0.1331 0.1140 0.0852 0.0611 0.0438 0.0321 0.0214 0.0118 0.0080 0.0048 0.0046 0.0026 0.0017 0.0005 0.0004 0.0001
Aston Villa 0.0012 0.0044 0.0063 0.0143 0.0219 0.0328 0.0524 0.0623 0.0707 0.0758 0.0817 0.0841 0.0857 0.0812 0.0814 0.0708 0.0686 0.0620 0.0424
Brighton 0.0001 0.0002 0.0008 0.0023 0.0029 0.0067 0.0109 0.0187 0.0250 0.0361 0.0465 0.0519 0.0645 0.0760 0.0932 0.1166 0.1340 0.1531 0.1605
Burnley 0.0004 0.0007 0.0020 0.0031 0.0062 0.0126 0.0223 0.0279 0.0384 0.0467 0.0631 0.0694 0.0788 0.0863 0.0939 0.1087 0.1154 0.1181 0.1060
Chelsea 0.1664 0.1697 0.1506 0.1367 0.1100 0.0857 0.0586 0.0416 0.0290 0.0183 0.0119 0.0069 0.0059 0.0046 0.0018 0.0012 0.0009 0.0001 0.0001
Crystal Palace 0.0006 0.0023 0.0057 0.0085 0.0147 0.0272 0.0363 0.0491 0.0585 0.0671 0.0755 0.0789 0.0834 0.0852 0.0898 0.0853 0.0916 0.0783 0.0620
Everton 0.0091 0.0179 0.0263 0.0430 0.0644 0.0865 0.0935 0.1043 0.0964 0.0883 0.0785 0.0666 0.0575 0.0500 0.0380 0.0341 0.0210 0.0165 0.0081
Fulham 0.0007 0.0018 0.0041 0.0067 0.0147 0.0256 0.0338 0.0487 0.0563 0.0662 0.0751 0.0863 0.0894 0.0904 0.0918 0.0890 0.0868 0.0756 0.0570
Leicester 0.0192 0.0393 0.0523 0.0739 0.0836 0.1018 0.1108 0.1009 0.0902 0.0773 0.0582 0.0519 0.0403 0.0331 0.0249 0.0164 0.0128 0.0086 0.0045
Liverpool 0.1543 0.1518 0.1543 0.1339 0.1193 0.0848 0.0664 0.0451 0.0345 0.0192 0.0134 0.0079 0.0064 0.0032 0.0021 0.0021 0.0012 0.0001 0.0000
Man City 0.2373 0.1789 0.1497 0.1268 0.0958 0.0744 0.0462 0.0348 0.0203 0.0124 0.0086 0.0066 0.0030 0.0028 0.0012 0.0007 0.0003 0.0002 0.0000
Man United 0.1890 0.1722 0.1469 0.1255 0.1129 0.0820 0.0598 0.0380 0.0269 0.0192 0.0098 0.0056 0.0054 0.0026 0.0024 0.0012 0.0003 0.0003 0.0000
Newcastle 0.0007 0.0029 0.0087 0.0127 0.0186 0.0301 0.0444 0.0559 0.0648 0.0790 0.0888 0.0889 0.0843 0.0855 0.0818 0.0747 0.0721 0.0602 0.0459
Sheffield United 0.0002 0.0002 0.0012 0.0016 0.0027 0.0060 0.0086 0.0146 0.0234 0.0306 0.0389 0.0522 0.0610 0.0769 0.0938 0.1085 0.1375 0.1751 0.1670
Southampton 0.0037 0.0082 0.0179 0.0301 0.0425 0.0614 0.0792 0.0833 0.0921 0.0899 0.0790 0.0818 0.0771 0.0655 0.0558 0.0498 0.0375 0.0297 0.0155
Tottenham 0.0571 0.0872 0.1047 0.1184 0.1207 0.1186 0.0999 0.0746 0.0627 0.0428 0.0346 0.0258 0.0168 0.0131 0.0110 0.0066 0.0028 0.0018 0.0008
West Brom 0.0003 0.0015 0.0042 0.0062 0.0120 0.0193 0.0287 0.0421 0.0512 0.0635 0.0679 0.0787 0.0880 0.0908 0.0956 0.0928 0.0940 0.0944 0.0688
West Ham 0.0018 0.0054 0.0116 0.0215 0.0364 0.0430 0.0578 0.0769 0.0767 0.0886 0.0897 0.0787 0.0767 0.0758 0.0708 0.0645 0.0539 0.0439 0.0263
Wolves 0.0009 0.0028 0.0055 0.0107 0.0169 0.0262 0.0395 0.0499 0.0642 0.0739 0.0821 0.0861 0.0881 0.0885 0.0819 0.0865 0.0757 0.0699 0.0507

Interpretation example: Arsenal has a 0.1698 (16.98%) probability of finishing first, 0.1712 (17.12%) probability of finishing second, and so on and so forth.

In order to get the probability of Arsenal finishing atleast at a certain position, we add up the probabilities of all positions until that particular position. For example, the probability of Arsenal finishing in the top 4 is the sum of probabilities of positions 1, 2, 3 and 4 i.e, 0.1622 + 0.1637 + 0.1523 + 0.1359 = 0.6141 (61.41%)

From the simulation results, it would be interesting to see which team has the highest chances of winning the league.

np.round(epl_sim[epl_sim['rank'] == 1].team.value_counts(normalize=True).nlargest(4) * 100, 2)
Man City      23.62
Man United    18.82
Chelsea       16.57
Arsenal       16.08
Name: team, dtype: float64

Well this isn’t surprising, as Man City would have the highest scoring rates since they’ve dominated the EPL a lot recently.

A top 4 finish at the end of the season implies that the team has qualified for the UEFA Champions League. Let’s have a look at the teams which dominate these rankings.

np.round(epl_sim[epl_sim['rank'].isin([1, 2, 3, 4])].team.value_counts(normalize=True).nlargest(7) * 100, 2)
Man City      17.20
Man United    15.73
Chelsea       15.48
Arsenal       15.10
Liverpool     14.76
Tottenham      9.12
Leicester      4.59
Name: team, dtype: float64

The EPL is dominated clubs like Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool, therefore its not a suprise to see these clubs dominating the top 4 positions. However, this list also includes Leicester City. This is due to their magical season of 2015-2016, where they shocked the world by winning the title. Since then, Leicester City has been performing consistently well and therefore, has secured its position as one of the top clubs in the EPL.

Let’s have a look at the final standings by using the entire simulation data

epl_sim.groupby('team')[['final_pts', 'gd']].median().sort_values(['final_pts', 'gd'], ascending=False)
final_pts gd
Man City 63.0 22.0
Chelsea 62.0 19.0
Man United 62.0 19.0
Arsenal 62.0 18.0
Liverpool 61.0 18.0
Tottenham 57.0 11.0
Leicester 53.0 4.0
Everton 50.0 0.0
Southampton 48.0 -3.0
West Ham 46.0 -6.0
Aston Villa 45.0 -8.0
Newcastle 44.0 -8.0
Wolves 44.0 -9.0
Crystal Palace 43.0 -10.0
Fulham 43.0 -10.0
West Brom 42.0 -11.0
Burnley 40.0 -13.0
Brighton 38.0 -16.0
Sheffield United 38.0 -16.0


  • Our approach is based on the assumption that the number of goals scored may be correctly represented by a Poisson distribution. The model results will be inaccurate if that assumption is incorrect. The number of occurrences in half that time period follows a Poisson distribution with mean λ/2, given a Poisson distribution with mean λ. In soccer terms, the first and second halves of a football match should have an equal number of goals. Regrettably, this does not appear to be the case.


  • Morever, Poisson Distribution is a simple predictive model that doesn’t allow for numerous factors. Situational factors – such as club circumstances, game status etc. – and subjective evaluation of the change of each team during the transfer window are completely ignored.